
Pályázati kiírás kulturális szakasszisztens munkakörre

Magyarország Hongkongi Főkonzulátusa pályázatot hirdet kulturális szakasszisztens helyi alkalmazotti (nem diplomata) munkakör betöltésére, egy fő részére
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Hungarian film at the Hong Kong European Film Festival

This year our Consulate is screening Éden, the Hungarian drama of Ágnes Kocsis.
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LISZTOMANIA Concert at City Hall

This year on February 13th -the eve of Valentine's Day, the HK Music for Youth is organizing 'Lisztomania' Piano Concert, dedicated to Franz Liszt, performed by International pianist Robin Zebaida.
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Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship

Applications for 2023-2024 are accepted until 31th January 2023.
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Like in the previous years the Consulate General of Hungary will participate in the Education and Careers Expo from 2 February until 5 February 2023.
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