Aere Perennius - More Lasting than Bronze: Eponymous Hungarian Medical Doctors

The exhibition - whose material is based on the book: Aere Perennius: Eponymous Hungarian Medical Doctors - was created with the goal of showcasing scientific and practical achievements in the past 150 years of numerous Hungarian doctors of medicine who are known and acknowledged in Europe and all over the World. The material was compiled by the Semmelweis University Museum of Medical history and it comprises of 10 large scale panels introducing 48 Hungarian medical doctors (including Ignaz Semmelweis, who discovered the cause of puerperal fever and introduced antisepsis into medical practice). After its international debut in Saint Petersburg in late 2016, the exhibition will be on display in Hong Kong from 28th April to 7th May 2017 at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences.

Opening ceremony: 28th April, 2017. from 6pm to 8pm

Venue: Gordon King Gallery, 1/F, Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences (HKMMS), 2 Caine Ln, Mid-level, Hong Kong

Opening speech by: Dr. Béla Merkely, Director, Semmelweis University’s Heart and Vascular Centre 

Welcome speech by: Dr Edwin Yu, Chairman of Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society